  • Software
  • Sara PTT (Purchase Through Tendering)
  • ( Click here for Functionality of Total Productive Maintenance / World Class Manufacturing )
    Click here for Sara PTT  Demo Software

    Very often there is a need for high degree of transparency in procurement, especially in government organizations and government or6screen.jpg (23572 bytes) World Bank aided projects. This is best done through public tenders. Since such procurement comprises of multiple stages and involves complex documentation, an IT based  system is a must.
    Sara PTT covers budgeting, budget consolidation, individual work sanction, release of ads, tender preparation, sale and receipt of tenders, managing EMD, bid comparisons, shortlisting on technical and financial bids, work order management, payments etc. The System helps the department to create their yearly budgets (capital and revenue) for new work, continued work from the previous year and for maintenance jobs. The system also consolidates departmental budgets into a single budget for the whole company. The system keeps track of individual work sanctions and helps in preparation of the tender document. It can handle both open & restricted tenders. Tender can be for single bid or for two bid system i.e technical and commercial. It also keeps record of the prebid
    computer7.jpg (12257 bytes)The system keeps track of the sale and receipt of tender document of various parties and EMD received. The system helps in comparison of technical bids on the basis of point system for various conditions of the tender document. The system again helps in comparison of commercial bids and assigns a final composite ranking based on technical and financial bids. Once the party is selected for the job the system keeps track of the items/services provided by the parties and helps the organization in paying the legitimate bills of the suppliers/contractors.



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SARA Viet Nam to become the premier Joint Stock Company in Viet nam operating in interdisciplinary, various fields, focusing mainly on Information Technology. We continually exert our great efforts in providing the best products and services for the satisfaction of our clientele.
