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  • Software
  • Sara Institute
  • In the knowledge age, education has become a lifelong quest. Universities and institutions are offering a variety of courses targeted at every age group at numerous locations in multiple media formats. Class room learning is being supplemented with e.Learning, Distance Learning, Web based Learning and more. To be able to quickly launch new courses, add new locations and offer in multiple formats, universities and institutes need an IT system to capture and process information regarding faculty, students, registrations, examinations, certifications, fees etc. Running an institution is no longer just enabling student teacher interaction.

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    Sara Institute covers Admissions Management,Course Management, Certification Management,Student  InformationSystem,Facilities Management,Library Management,Finance,  Administration,Purchase  Management,Stores Management,Payroll,Fixed Assetsetc.The Admission module covers Advertisement in Media, Receipt of Applications, Written Test, Interview, Selection of Candidates, Joining of Students and Induction Training. The Course Management module keeps track of different Degree/Diploma
    offered, batches of students, courses offered, faculty for different courses, courses undertaken by students, marks/grades obtained by students, feedback from students and faculty. The system maintains a comprehensive database of the history of all students comprising of biological information, medical data, contact addresses, admission to Degree/Diploma, date of admission, fees paid, scholarships received, courses undertaken, marks/grades obtained, result, certificates issued, date of leaving etc. The system also helps the administration to manage various facilities e.g. class rooms, conference rooms, projection systems, hostel facilities etc.

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