Tìm kiếm
  • Software
  • Sara Plant Maintenance
  • Profitable plants are those that run non-stop and produce defect free products. Or in other words, ioHealth is Wealth.le In the machine world, health is directly correlated with equipment and plant condition. When the value of machines is in millions or even billions, then keeping those assets productive is the key to enterprise profitability.
    Sara Plant Maintenance is the key to a healthy plant. It comprises seven modules that work together to achieve zero defects and zero breakdowns thereby maximizing product quality and overall plant efficiency.
    Sara Plant Maintenance covers Planned maintenance, Breakdown maintenance, Condition based maintenance, Lubrication and Inspection Schedule, Opportunity maintenance, Shut Down maintenance, Ad-hoc maintenance (Job card/Work Order) and Calibration of Instruments.
    The System maintains a comprehensive Database of all the equipments in the
    plant. The information about the equipments include name of the equipment, its specifications, configuration parameters, purchase data, price, supplier, warranty upto, maintenance party, current location, expected life, history of maintenance, its mother equipment etc. The system also maintains a list of maintenance activities, resources - man power (internal/external), spares, consumables, tools, time required, maintenance procedure and safety precaution required for carrying out activities.
    The system helps in carrying out various scheduled and unscheduled maintenance activities and provides equipment history, slippage report, reason-wise failure analysis, mean time between failure (MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR) and maintenance budget vs actual cost of maintenance. The system has a tight interface with the Purchase and Store modules of Sara ERP.

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