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  • Shareholder
  • Sara JSC to increase the charter capital up to 30 billions after IPO
  • On 15th January 2008, at head office of Sara , all shareholders of management board agreed that Sara  would increase its chartercapital up to 30 billions Vietnam dongs after Initial Public Offering( IPO)

    The company did feasable research and carried out the projects step by step as follow:

    •  13/10 project of trade centre construction. It has been built foundation ang 3 rough floors.     
    • A software supermarket at Van Canh – Hoai Duc – Ha Tay. It is located on Lang – Hoa Lac street, 7.5 km far from Bic C supermarket., and approved by Ha Tay fuctional agencies.
    • An insense flavour factory, it has signed a contract with 2 Japanese companies, and an Indian one.
    • A project of ITGO on – line training. Sara has signed a contract with the ITGO Korean company.

    Financial investment, securities, property,… Some of them have been invested, the rest will be continue to invest in 2008.

    Therefore, Sara  JSC need to increase its charter capital so that it has ability enough to implement all above projects in order to get profit in 2008.

    Sara  shares were in list of HASC on 10/01/2008, and opening to trade on 18/01/2008. Because Sara is a big company with high profit, it can attract investors to buy & sell its shares after Sara Vietnam’s investment for some projects.  

    Steps to implement:

    ·            Helding a meeting to get  ideas of big shareholders about increasing its charter capital by increasing capital.       

    ·             Selling 10 billions for shareholders with the equal price and in rate 1:1

    ·            Selling 10 billions for high – class staffs, strategic shareholders, and for sale

    ·            Completing all legal documents to increase charter capital such as: making feasable project, making a feasable plan, and changing the content of business registration cetificate.

    All member of management board agreed the above plan, and Chairman & General Director will be responsible for carry out.

  • adv
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